BBA Admission Form


( * ) Mandatory/Compulsory Fields
Part "A"
Personal Information

Please enter Your surname Please enter only capital letters/alphabets Surname cannot be longer than 50 digits
Please enter Your name Please enter only capital letters/alphabets Name cannot be longer than 50 digits
Please enter Your Fathers's Name/Second Name Please enter only capital letters/alphabets Fathers's Name/Second Name cannot be longer than 50 digits

Please enter Your Full Name Please enter CAPITAL LETTERS only Full Name cannot be longer than 100 digits

Please enter Your Age Please enter only digits Age cannot be longer than 2 digits

Please enter Your Place of Birth Please enter only alphabets Birth place cannot be longer than 100 characters

Please tick one

Please tick one

Please tick one

Please tick one

Please tick one

Please enter Your address

Please enter Your State Please enter valid State name

Please enter Your Taluka Please enter valid Taluka

Please enter Your City

Please enter Your Pin code Please enter only digits Please enter a valid PIN CODE

Same As Local Address
Please enter Your address

Please enter Your State Please enter valid State name

Please enter Your Taluka Please enter valid Taluka

Please enter Your City

Please enter Your Pin code Please enter only digits Please enter a valid PIN CODE

(Provide your or your family member's number at which you can be contacted)
Please enter Your mobile Number Please enter only digits Mobile Number cannot be Greater than 10 digits Mobile Number cannot be Less than 10 digits
Please enter Your contact Number Please enter only digits Mobile Number cannot be Greater than 11 digits Mobile Number cannot be Less than 7 digits
Please enter Your aadhaar Number Invalid Aadhaar Number cannot be Greater than 12 character Aadhaar Number cannot be Less than 12 character
(AADHAAR number will be required for further procedures with Goa University. If you do not have it, kindly provide immediately after admission.)

This email ID will be used by Goa University to confirm your admission and allot University enrollment number. You are required to remember the username and password of this email for further procedures.

Part "B"
Academic Record

Part "C"

Please enter {{father_husband_name}} Please enter only alphabets {{father_husband_name}} cannot be longer than 50 characters
Please enter Mother's Name Please enter only alphabets Mother's Name cannot be longer than 50 characters

Please enter only alphabets {{father_husband_qualification}} cannot be longer than 50 characters
Please enter only alphabets Mother's Qualification cannot be longer than 50 characters

Please enter only alphabets {{father_husband_occupation}} cannot be longer than 50 characters
Please enter only alphabets Mother's Occupation cannot be longer than 50 characters

Please enter Contact Number Please enter only digits Parents mobile number cannot be longer than 10 digits Please enter a valid contact number
Please enter only digits Parents Number (Residential) cannot be longer than 11 digits

Please enter only digits Parents number (office) cannot be longer than 11 digits

Please enter Guardian's Name Please enter only alphabets Guardian's Name cannot be longer than 50 characters
Please enter Guardian's Relation Please enter only alphabets Guardian's Relation cannot be longer than 50 characters

Please enter only digits Guardian's Number cannot be longer than 10 digits


Part "D"

Part "E"

Part "F"

Part D

Upload Student Profile Picture

Upload Student Signature


Upload Parent/Guardian Signature

Re-enter Captcha.

I hereby declare that the information provided by me is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that my admission is liable to be cancelled in the event of any information found to be incorrect.
By Clicking on the submit button below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by all the terms and declaration mentioned in this admission form
One or more fields in your form have errors. Kindly Click on "View Details" to get more information. View Details

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YOUR TOKEN NUMBER:{{unique_num}}
Generating PDF. Wait a Moment....

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Successfully Submitted Application Form. Kindly get the Printed copy of this pdf form on the day of admission in college. Kindly attach your photo, if not generated in the pdf. Student and Parent/Guardian signature if uploaded, will not be generated in the PDF. Click above to Generate PDF of the Submitted form and send the copy of the same to your email address(Please Check spam folder, if email is not received).